"While in school, I didnt have the opportunity to start IVs. So, I always felt like I lacked the necessary skills and confidence needed to start IVs. Attending your class was one of the best decisions I could have made. Not only did you take your time to explain anatomy and techniques used for insertion, but you gave me hands on experience. This combination of learning greatly increased my confidence and now I possess the skills needed to start IVs. I have started several IVs since taking your class and missed some. But, I am not discouraged. I know it takes practice to be successful. Thank you so much for what you are doing to help medical professionals better care for their patients!"

I will forever use what you have taught me throughout my nursing career. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!    

Karolynne Baptiste

I attended your class on April 6 and wanted to tell you what a difference you made. I was in my ‘dry spell’ as you know for starting IVs. Your techniques and ideas made all the difference. I have started 6 IVs since the class and have hit every single one of them. My confidence is back and I can’t thank you enough! Not only am I getting them in but I am getting them in quickly and in the exact spots I am aiming for...even the hard ones. I think I should do this once a year just to stay on top of my game and to benefit the patients. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!.    

L.R., RN, Atlanta, GA

First, I want to thank you for the excellent class on IV insertion. I feel more confident, more equipped, and more courageous about IV insertion. Approximately 10 days after the class I got a successful insertion on an elderly, sweet, fragile (including veins) little lady. I followed your advice and secured my tourniquet very well, and secured my vein as well. I was so happy!!! Also, I understand better about how to insert the catheter after you get blood in your chamber, because I often will get a flash return blood, but then I will insert the catheter and no blood return. I understand better the whole process and how important it is to perform each step correctly.   

M. H., RN, Atlanta, GA

I had promised to tell you how my IV starts were going. I am more confident with my insertions and I have been successful on my first attempts 4 out of 5 times. My success rate has improved from 50% to 80%! Thanks for making a difference!     

M. F., RN, Canton, GA

I just wanted to let you know that since your class last Wednesday I have successfully started 5 IVs!! As a new graduate I feel so accomplished to be 5 for 5 on IVs so far! I really appreciate your help!!     

J.H., RN, Labor and Delivery, Atlanta, GA

I’m emailing you to thank you once again for your help in the IV class. My success rate has greatly improved and I feel more confident when I enter a patient’s room. After the IV class I floated to the ED and had 2 successful IV starts. Thank you.

J.B., RN (EAC)

Thanks again for such a great VP Skills class experience. I have started two IVs WITHOUT going through the vein and I feel more confident and empowered at the bedside. I am also not intimidated when a PT tells about their ‘rolling’ veins.     

D. G., Atlanta, GA

Hi Francine, I was in your IV class this month, and today I put in my first IV on a real patient (tilt table test in EP dept.). I got it first try! Thank you for everything. You are a great teacher!    

B. E., RN, Atlanta, GA

I took your IV class this past Wednesday, and today I finally had to put my new skills to the test. I was able to start an IV on my little lady that had her other IV infiltrate. I did not get it on my first try, but I was successful on try #2. Before your class, I wouldn’t have had the confidence to try for the second time, and probably would have called you or asked another nurse to try. Thank you for being such a great teacher.


For information about a workshop at your hospital or workplace:

fttdyer@comcast.net or call Francine Dyer at 404.422.8871